This section deals with hacking Unix systems remotely.
A remote hack is when you attack a server you are not logged into. Usually this is done from another server, although in some cases you can do it from a regular PC (depending on the operating system).
Guessing a user account and password (unless it is a guest account) on a remote system is barely considered a remote hack, so we're not really cover that. We'll assume you don't know an account name and password on the remote system.
Remote hacks come in a couple of different flavors. Usually exploiting an existing service running on the victim server (which is misconfigured or allows too much access) is the goal. Exporting a NFS mount read/write to anyone might not be a bad thing, but if you can NFS mount directories containing .rhosts files, then it can be a very bad thing. Also, certain daemons running might be subject to buffer overflows remotely, allowing someone from a remote location run arbitrary commands on the victim server.
Here are a couple of examples:
Here's another attack involving a buffer overflow:
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